Hi! I’m Sam, the artist behind Thyme & Space Design.

I created T&SD in 2020 as a voice through which to share my art, and from there it’s taken on a life of its own.

In addition to my Etsy shop, I sell my art at farmers’ markets, galleries, art markets, festivals, and more. I also enjoy working with clients to bring their ideas to life through commissioned pieces, and I’m always branching out into new art forms and working on my craft.

But my art process didn’t start in 2020, so let me give some context.

Since I was a kid, I’ve searched for ways to capture and translate the wonder I’ve always felt in my surroundings, from the vast beauty of the natural world to the smallest details of a quiet living room.

As I grew up, I found ways to explore these feelings using my creativity, and slowly I taught myself a variety of art forms, including drawing, watercolor, acrylic and gouache painting, photography, digital illustration, graphic design, hand lettering and calligraphy, embroidery, linocut printing, stamp carving, and jewelry making.

As the years passed, I stopped trying to translate what I saw in my mind’s eye and began to make objects that my hands wanted to make. In recent years I’ve allowed the enjoyment I’ve found in tactile creation—in embroidery and print carving and jewelry making—to steer me toward an artistic mindset where I’ve found as much joy in the process of making as I’ve always found in the completion of something I’m proud of.

Through this shift in my artistic ethos, I’ve found that my goals in art have shifted as well. I love creating for the sheer joy of creation and the aesthetic pleasure that adornment can bring—beauty for beauty’s sake. Most of the art I create and sell falls into this category. There’s no deeper meaning I’ve ascribed to my beaded embroidery, for example, and there doesn’t need to be. Seeing the light sparkle off the beads when I hold a finished piece in the sun is enough.

I think there’s so much value in sitting with the first-impression sensory experience of art, and that’s my goal with Thyme & Space Design: to spread simple aesthetic joy through art for art’s sake.

So thank you for stopping by and sharing a bit of connection with me.